JCAT USB XE Card, Switches, Fiber Converters and cables…review by file comparison

This is going to be a big comparison. My first article ended up being more of a welcome to the new Hi-Fi Cool. In that first edition, I did start the comparison process but my links and comments got buried in the linked blog. As part of this installment, I’ll be moving those comparisons and my comments with even more detail.

I’m trying to capture the smallest details between my changes. I’m doing this between simple power cable changes, ethernet cable changes, etc.

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The New Hi-Fi Cool – USB and Power Cables – JCAT USB Card XE or Motherboard USB … a review by file comparison

Welcome to the new version of Hi-Fi Cool where we are going to compare hi-fi equipment using files recorded on an analog to digital converter, sometimes referred to as a ADC or A2D. The smallest details will be compared between audio and network equipment such as preamplifiers, DACs, cables, switches and routers. Even the smallest part of a system will be tested such as vacuum tubes. Equipment sourced from audiophiles and manufacturers will be compared. In the future, we plan on selling gear that comes close to sounding like the original files but to be Hi-Fi Cool, form must also meet function.

Continue reading The New Hi-Fi Cool – USB and Power Cables – JCAT USB Card XE or Motherboard USB … a review by file comparison

Audience FrontRow Cable Follow-up: Rogers LS3/5A vs Graham LS3/5 vs Q Acoustics Concept 500

Had to make a quick road trip to see family/friends and to pick up a Modwright SWP 9.0 phono premplifier along with some Audience frontRow cables. I couldn’t wait to get back with this gear to the Graham LS3/5 speakers that arrived Saturday. Such cool looking little speakers!

Continue reading Audience FrontRow Cable Follow-up: Rogers LS3/5A vs Graham LS3/5 vs Q Acoustics Concept 500

Reference System 2022, Comparisons and Future Plans

I’ve been saying it a lot lately, the first step is admission. I’ve taken the first step and admitted I’m an audiophile addict. I accept the fact that I will be changing my system at any time and when I say “I’m done”, I’m most definitely not.

So the reference system as of 9/3/2022 and by 5 PM CST, it will change again as another pair of speakers will arrive.
Continue reading Reference System 2022, Comparisons and Future Plans

HI-FI COOL – Path moving forward and a flash back to past

Hello my audio friends. I’ve got some gourmet coffee in me and my head is spinning with ideas. Many of which are where to take this site/blog/vlog.

Think I want to take you all on a journey of my past and then we move forward together. Along the way, I want to post about what I feel is HI-FI COOL.

You ready for the ride?
Continue reading HI-FI COOL – Path moving forward and a flash back to past